Publications and Presentations
SPARE Poster presented at ECVPH AGM 2016 – Uppsala, Sweden
SAFOSO had a poster accepted for the European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH) Annual General Meeting, on the 26-28 August 2016.
SPARE oral presentation at SAFEPORK 2017 –21-24 August 2017, Foz do Iguaçu , Brazil
An oral presentation on the Classical Swine Fever release assessment was accepted at the 12th International Symposium on the Epidemiology and Control of Biological, Chemical and Physical Hazards in Pigs and Pork, 21-24 August 2017, Foz do Iguaçu , Brazil
Abstract: The threat of incursion of exotic animal pathogens into the European Union (EU) Member States (MS) via transmission routes such as human travel and trade of live animals and their products is dynamic and needs to be continually re-assessed. Here, we present a quantitative spatial entry assessment model for assessing the risk of incursion of exotic pig diseases such as Classical Swine Fever (CSF) into the EU.
An extended abstract is in the proceedings book which is available online here: http://lib.dr.iastate.edu/safepork/2017/allpapers/44/
SPARE poster presented at EPIZONE 2017 – 19-21 September 2017, Paris, France
​SAFOSO had a poster accepted at the 11th Annual Meeting EPIZONE, 19-21 September 2017, Paris France.The meeting is entitled: “Crossing barriers” ( https://www.epizone-eu.net/en/Home/Annual-meeting.htm) and the poster described, through an expert knowledge elicitation, the surveillance systems in place against rabies, bluetongue (BT) and classical swine fever (CSF) in Italy (IT), Switzerland (CH) and the United Kingdom (UK).
SPARE publication in Épidémiologie et santé animale
AND SPREAD THROUGHOUT EUROPE" appeared on Épidémiologie et santé animale, 2017, 71, 139-148.
SPARE publication in SVEPM Conference Proceedings
Mighty Models from little data grow: Estimating animal disease
SPARE publication in Vaccine
Decision-makers and risk managers are often called upon to prioritise on and recommend suitable measures to prevent the risk of introduction and spread of pathogens. The main objective of this study implemented within the SPARE project was to assess the perceptions of experts in Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom concerning the importance, effectiveness, feasibility, costs and acceptability of selected biosecurity measures to prevent the introduction and limit the spread of rabies, blue tongue (BT) and classical swine fever (CSF).
For more information, please consult our recent publication in Vaccine under the link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X17309428?via%3Dihub

SPARE Poster presented at AEEMA March 2017
Exposure Assessment in the context of the SPARE project: A model to
spatially assess exotic diseases incursions and spread throughout Europe
SPARE poster to be presented at SVEPM 2018
SAFOSO had a poster accepted at SVEPM 2018 in Estonia 21st - 23rd March entitled "Transboundary disease data exchange: proposal for a "Data Interface Protocol" "
SPARE publication in Preventive Veterinary Medicine
Using multi-criteria risk ranking methodology to select case studies for a generic risk assessment framework for exotic disease incursion and spread through Europe